Bulletin Board

Share and post messages to your fellow Sweathogs on where you've been and what you're doing. Want to post more than just comments? Become a contributer to the Sweathog Web site by contacting Kevin Cawley.


Anonymous said...

I'm the first to post on the Bulletin Board!

Anonymous said...

Hogs! Lend me your ears. I need material for our Blog. Please send me items you have. My address is: 9705 Pinehurst Circle Omaha, NE 68124. Email Kevin.cawley@nmhs.org All suggestions welcomed. Any Hogs with talent who want to help manage the BLOG, we need to talk. Best wishes to all kmcawley

Greg said...

Hi Kevin,

Are the dates set for September 09 ???


Greg said...

Sorry I didn't identify myself ...

Greg Bjerke


Anonymous said...

Friday and Saturday, Sept. 11-12


Anonymous said...

Thursday night- cocktail party at Troias. Friday morning Magis golf Tournament( limited first 48 players). Friday night dinner at the new 60million Harper Center on campus. Sat morning Sweathog Open Golf Tournament. Saturday night dinner at Happy Hollow Country Club. All tentative...If questions call 402 354 4433 Thanks kmcawley

tom connolly said...

Hear ye, Hear ye--your fearless leader of those forst 2 wonderful years of medical school calls on all Seathogs to assemble in Omaha, Nebraska on September 11 (could there be a more appropriate date for our class?), 2009 for muc fun and revelry. That is all . . .

tom connolly said...

Please pardon the typos in my previous message:

first 2 wonderful years


much fun and revelry

You will receive further messages in this regard

tom connolly said...

uI want to wish all the Sweathogs out there a very happy 30th anniversary of the day we graduated from Creighton. Enjoy and I hope to see all of you in Omaha in September.